Key 2417 – John 9

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2417

Readers of the blind man’s healing in John 9 miss a significant portion of the story by not realizing the social welfare context in which the blind man and his parents lived.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 16, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Gospel of John – beloved disciple; John so far; Gospel of “the Kingdom”; John 8 State of the union (Judea) Kingdom of God on Earth; Take kingdom away from those in the seat of Moses and give to another group; Christ’s group of 70?; Sanhedrin; Where is Kingdom of God today?; How to serve God; Sitting in darkness; John 9:1; Blind man; Accomplishment; Leaders; Individual responsibility; Working in the day; Light of the world; Hearing God in your heart; Tree of knowledge; Bible information; Punishment vs consequence; Receiving Spirit of God; Receiving sight; John 9:12; Siloam = “sent”; Sabbath? – keeping it holy; Why the clay?; Unmooring metaphors from precepts; v17; Parental witness; Christ = messiah = anointed; Jesus as the king; Synagogue?; “Corban”; Tithe vs Temple tax; Pilate riot; Graven images; Golden calf; Bondage of Egypt; Herod’s temple; Making the word of God to none effect; Blind man cast out; Parents afraid to be cast out; v35 – Jesus heard; Julius Caesar’s free bread; Legal charity; August Caesar’s “hut”; Kingdom government differences; Baptism; Who is the Son of God?; No forcing your neighbor; Addiction to benefits; Repentance; Rightly dividing bread from house to house; Blindness to the Way of Christ; Relating gospel events; “Son of God”; Firing porters of Temple (moneychangers); Taking benefits at expense of your neighbor; Whoredom, fornication and idolatry; Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42; Lk 22:25; Exercising authority not allowed; Church as benefactor; Col 3:5; Modern church social welfare; Modern Israel anti-Moses; Eph 5:5; 1 Cor 5:10; National adultery; Going out of the world?; Finding truth, way and light; Ex 20:17; No coveting; Charity alone; Micah 2:2 oppression; Becoming whole again; Rom 7:7; Rom 13:9; 2 Tim 3:2; Militia; Be on the side of Christ!

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