Brother Gregory responds to an online discussion around government provision in which modern Christians participate versus the mutual aid community of early Christians.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 2, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:02:00 Early church was a mutual aid community; Freewill Offerings; Charity; Fervent Charity
- 00:07:00 Ephesus; Moneychangers; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Temples; Tabernacle; Heave Offerings; Benefactors
- 00:14:15 Cattle Co-op;
- 00:16:55 Roman Temples; Temple of Janus; Christianity was a private religion; Seventy; Free Assemblies
- 00:21:30 Elohim; Theos; Bondage of Egypt; Dainties; Snare; Curse Children
- 00:30:10 Altars of Cain and Nimrod; Adamah; Parable of Talents; Free Bread
- 00:34:45 Volunteer Fire Departments; Legal Title
- 00:37:20 Real Money; Social Security; Covenants of the gods
- 00:44:45 World; Baptism
- 00:47:40 Public School; One Purse; Weightier Matters; Freewill Offerings
- 00:57:20 Dainties
- 01:03:43 Covetous Practices; Idolatry
- 01:06:15 Employ vs Enslave
- 01:12:00 Five elements of a biblical constitution; Contracts Covenants and Constitutions; Exercise Authority; John the Baptist
- 01:16:38 Jury Nullification
- 01:19:08 Temple of Herod; Julius Caesar; Polybius; Dainties
- 01:26:00 Congregation; Elder; Romans 13
- 01:36:00 Volunteer Fire Department
- 01:41:15 Turtledove; Sumer; Idiotes; Paying Tribute
- *01:48:35 Romaios; Paul’s legal strategy; Nero
- 02:02:40 White Rock Gathering
- 02:06:45 Called Out; Levites; Golden Calf; Tables; Welfare; Wages of Unrighteousness
Paul’s Notes
Early Christianity; Love = Charity; Economy; Tolls and fees; Social welfare systems; Assisting society; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Heave and wave offerings; Coercion; Immigration rules; Surety for debt; Taxation; Marrying of Church and State; The snare of bondage; Agreeing to covet; Parable of the merchants; Private Religion; System of Cain; Being fruitful; Persecution; Federal Reserve Notes; Working for corporations; The way of Moses and Christ; Christ’s redemption; Buying property; Legal tender; One purse; Samuel’s warnings; Hearing the cries of your brother; Gen 42:21; What is needed for a free society; Col 2:20; Inheriting bondage; Subjection to ordinances; Caring for others’ liberty; Master/slave relationships; Making the word of God to none effect; Christ’s instructions against man’s government; Biblical constitutions; Second coming?; Prov 12:24; Slothful under tribute; Jury nullification; Understanding history; Jerusalem without a king; Polybius; Corruption today; Range vs Farm sheep; Voluntary network organization; Romans 13; Overcoming misinformation; Liberty; Who’s your daddy?; Making your “yes”, “yes”; Freewill offerings; Volunteer fire departments; Getting your rights back; Living peaceably; Focusing on righteousness; Obeying God; Moneychangers; Turtledove sacrifice?; Matt 5:37; Early Christians in Great Britain; Jn 9:22; Was Paul a Roman citizen?; “Rhomaios”; Imagining you are free; Born into bondage; Paul’s appeal to Caesar; Kingdom not of this “world”; Soldiers as Christians?; “Ekklesia”; Serving God or Mammon; Why you’re in bondage; “Commerce”; Value exchange; What makes you a Christian?; Right reason; Strengthening the poor; Seek the real kingdom of God.
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