Key 2410 – John Part 5

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2410

Understanding the key difference between the baptism of Herod and the baptism of John described in John 4 transforms one’s perspective on the entire Bible.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: February 10, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Making gospels part of our life today; Bible study?; Or straining at gnats; Jn 3:15 – eternal/everlasting life; “world” of Jn 3:15; “Kosmos”; Loving the “world”, though not bearing fruit; Conflict with Christ; “Born again”; Roman republic; Predestination; Judging by works; John 4:1; Two penny act; Patrick Henry; Social welfare by exercising authority; Following Christ/Moses; Jn 3:22; Baptism; Mt 3:11; Public religion; Not the water; John 4:4 – Samaria; Woman at the well; Jacob as Samaritan father?; Flowing of Holy Spirit; Worship; Seeking true worshippers in spirit and truth; Covetousness is iniquity; The “world” you live in; Ex 33:10 – Worshipping in tent door; Welfare snares and traps; Num 7:5; Charity to strengthen the poor: Num 18:21; “Elders”; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Lev 1:3; Pure religion; Money – just weights and measures; Jn 4:31- prayer; Deciding fact and law; Sparrow story; Earning liberty; Samaritans coming to Christ; Living His “way”; Bride of Christ; Biting one another; Believing Jesus; Hearing Christ; Comparing your church to Christ; Robbing widows and orphans; Emotion vs spirit; Willingness to receive righteousness; It’s our fault!; Voluntary offerings; Your prayer; Repentance; Making America great again; Fear not!

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