As a guest on show It’s Not My Credit to Take with Dr. Ed Slover, Brother Gregory provides lots of great historical insight on the church established by Constantine vs the church established by Christ.
- 00:55 Greg’s introduction
- 02:20 Greg shares some of his background
- 10:50 Council of Nicaea; Constantine; Ambrose; Apotheos; Elohim; Baptism
- 16:50 Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Synagogue; Bishop = Overseer; Corban of the Pharisees; Charagma; Bondage of Egypt; Julius Caesar; Temple of Jupiter;
- 25:10 Bible corruption vs inspiration; Holy Spirit
- 30:00 Romans 13; Higher Liberty; Bondage of Egypt; Plutarch; Covetous Practices; Idolatry; Exodus Series
- 40:00 In the world but not of it; Religion; Pure Religion; Merchandise; Human Resources; Curse Children; Jesus is King